At Faith Church we value the Word of God being taught to all ages. In order for that to happen, we must have people who are gifted at teaching. This teaching team loves on their students and prepares each week to interact with great conversation that stirs up the question, "How do I apply God's Word to my life?" Join us Sundays at 9am and you won't be disappointed.
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Bill Martin, Adults
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Rich Goshon, Adults
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Theresa Shepherd, Adults
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Michelle McCord, Adults
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Tom Baetsle, Adults
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Janie Baetsle, Adults
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Jody Wiegand, High School
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Ricardo Alvez, Middle School
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Tierra Alvez, Elementary
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Ashley Fox, Elementary
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Tara Webb, Elementary
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Denise Goshon, Nursery
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Diana Hewlett, Nursery
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Tracy Everts, Adults
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